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Parrots Not as You Know

Sukhavati 的鸚鵡和地球上的金剛鸚鵡看起來有些神似,但更為巨大溫順。牠們的說話能力是「導師級」的,牠們的智能,可以背下佛教裡的重要經典,甚至可以和人對答如流。而這些鸚鵡,羽毛也會出現如眼斑狀的綺麗花紋。牠們也能與人心電感應,做深度的意識交流。

The parrots in Sukhavati look somewhat similar to the macaws on the Earth, but are much larger in size yet more amenable in temperament. They have an articulate speaking ability and even can have dialogue with people fluently. They are so intelligent that they can memorize important Buddhist scriptures. There are beautiful patterns with eye-shaped patterns on their feathers. They are capable of telepathic communication with humans into deeper consciousnesses.