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The True Meaning of Avalokitesvara Budhisattva(Guanyin Bodhisattva)


在東方,觀世音菩薩的信仰是華人不可或缺的文化元素之一,是眾所皆知的民俗信仰。但事實上, 觀世音菩薩是由兩個重要的複合意義所集成的,這就不是一般人所知道的。

「菩薩」是一般人不明白的一種意識狀態與精神層次, 是一種以修行慈悲與智慧並行有成的代表。「觀世音」則是此修行法門的契入方式,以「觀眾生音」為核心。而「菩薩道」在佛教哲學觀裡,是一種恢宏、深邃以及需要透過服務眾生,來成就自身靈性的修行方式。

所以嚴格來說,觀世音菩薩並非神祇、民間信仰與宗教偶像,而是和 阿彌陀佛一樣,同為是一種精神實相、意識本源的一部分。觀世音菩薩的意識,可以進入物質宇宙去引渡在物質宇宙迷失或受困的靈魂,並引導使其有機緣進入Sukhavati。


在 Sukhavati 裡, 所有的生命都明白這個珍貴殊勝的因緣,這個文明視觀音的意識本質實相為「菩薩道亅最重要的資糧之一。而對我來說,觀音從不是宗教信仰的一部分,而是進入宇宙意識一股宏偉、快速、清淨與無漏的橋樑。



Guanyin Bodhisattva – the sacred deliverer of Sukhavati

In the East, Guanyin Bodhisattva is well-known in folk beliefs and the belief in Guanyin Bodhisattva is an indispensable cultural element for Chinese people. In fact, most people do not know that “Guanyin Bodhisattva” is composed of two important compound meanings and the second word “Bodhisattva” is a state of consciousness and spiritual level representative of successful cultivation through the practice of compassion and wisdom.

“The Bodhisattva Way” in Buddhist philosophy is a grand, profound, and spiritual practice that requires serving the sentient beings to achieve one’s own spirituality.”Avalokitesvara” is the initial approach of this way of practice, and “hearing the voices of all sentient beings” is the core.

So strictly speaking, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is not a deity, a folk belief or a religious idol, but a part of the source of consciousness that is the same spiritual reality as Amitabha Buddha. The consciousness of Guanyin Bodhisattva can deliver and lead the lost or trapped souls from the material universe to Sukhavati.

In Sukhavati, all beings understand this precious cause. Sukhavati is a civilization that regards the essential reality of Guanyin’s consciousness as one of the most important
accumulations for the Bodhisattva Way. For me, Guanyin Bodhisattva is never part of religion,but a magnificent, fast, clear and non-outflowing (Anāśrava) bridge to enter the consciousness of the universe. Guanyin Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva are the deliverers and instructors, assisting other souls to come to Sukhavati from the material entropic universe of lower-dimension.

From my own experience, the original consciousness of Guanyin Bodhisattva is my spiritual mentor. If it wasn’t for Him to teach me with the stream of consciousness and guide me with compassion and wisdom in my life, it would not be possible for me to enter this macro universe. Therefore, for me, Guanyin Bodhisattva is definitely beyond the scope of belief and spiritual sustenance. It is a higher consciousness being which can concretely communicate with my brain consciousness in the way of consciousness resonance in the space-time of the Earth. It gives me guidance and a clear representation of the physical universe in the space-time dimension, so that I can understand the multiplicity and nonlinearity of the universe.

The practice method,”the presentation of love and compassion requires higher wisdom as the foundation”, is the true meaning of Guanyin Bodhisattva leading all the sentient beings to walk the Bodhisattva Way and return to Sukhavati.