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The Space-Time Bubble in the Ocean of Pure Land of Vairocana, Each Bubble is a World and a Universe




In Buddhist cosmology, a “world” means a specific space-time structure. A space-time structure has its unique physical property and its operating mode, and the world with space-time structure is still a kind of representational world.

However, the purest and ultimate source of consciousness does not belong to any representational world, nor does it belong to any space-time structure. Instead,it is a kind of essence and a kind of nature, which no longer depends on time and space. This is the characteristic of Nirvana: returning to original consciousness and no longer manifesting in the representational universe.

If you look at the universes with different space-time structures from the macro perspective of the Ocean of Pure Land of Vairocana,they are like bubbles, and each bubble has its own unique space-time characteristics. The Sahā world is in one bubble, and Sukhavati is in another one.