4 08

奇花異卉,目不暇給 – Sukhavati 的花木之美

Exotic Flowers, a Feast for the Eyes – The Beauty of Flowers and Trees in Sukhavati

在 Sukhavati 裡的生物,都不是以「碳基」形式,及透過新陳代謝而存在的。顯然在這裡的生物學與生態學,肯定不是我在學校裡學過的。然而,這裡生物的多樣性及型態,已超越了因生存訴求而演化成型,反而更像是以彰顯其存在的「意義」而存在著。


但最奇妙的事,是這些生命的美麗展現,仍以與 Sukhavati 的「本源意識」相連為核心—即「用型態與顏色,去表現本質實相」的美好。這與地球上的生物,其生物美學之展現是為了用來生存與繁殖的目的,有著很不一樣的背景。


The creatures in Sukhavati do not exist in carbon-based form through metabolism. Obviously the biology and ecology here are certainly not what I have learned in school. The diversity and types of organisms here have surpassed evolution and formation due to the pursuit of survival, but rather exist to manifest the meaning of their existence.

Because these creatures are not carbon-based, their colors and appearances are more magical and gorgeous than the carbon-based organisms on the Earth.

The most amazing thing is that the core of these beautiful manifestations of life is still connected to the original consciousness of Sukhavati – to show the beauty of essential reality with forms and colors. This background is very different from the biological aesthetics of creatures on the Earth, whose purpose is to survive and reproduce.

However, what is more surprising to me is that they still have a certain similarity with the appearances of creatures on the Earth, rather than the weird alien creatures in sci-fi novels or sci-fi movies.